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Claire Stabile

Department of Linguistics

University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa

1890 East-West Road, 569 Moore

Honolulu, HI 96822 USA

(808) 956-8602


University of Hawaii at Manoa
PhD. in Linguistics in progress

University of California, Los Angeles
B.A. in Linguistics 2012


2016    Stabile, Claire; Liu, Nian; Chen, Victoria; and Deen, Kamil.  “Cross-linguistic Priming of the Passive in

Mandarin and English Bilinguals” in Stringer, David; Garrett, Jordan; Halloran, Becky; and Mossman, Sabrina (eds.) 2016.  Proceedings of the 13th Generative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition Conference (GASLA 2015). Bloomington, IN.

2013    Stabile, Claire. "A Preliminary Investigation of Cross-Language Priming" in Holdway, Jennifer and

Brittany Wilson (eds.) 2013. The 17th Annual Language, Linguistics, and Literature Graduate Student Conference Proceedings. Honolulu, HI.


2017    Instructor, Linguistics 102 (Intro to the Study of Language)

2017    Teaching Assistant, Linguistics 640S (Sociolinguistics)

2016    Guest Lecturer, SLS 430 (Pidgin and Creole English in Hawai`i)

2015    Instructor, Linguistics 102

2014    Instructor, Linguistics 102

2013    Instructor, Linguistics 102

2012    Teaching Assistant, Linguistics 100, 102, 150


Peer Reviewed Conference Presentations

2016    Drager, K., Schutz, R., Stabile, C., Chun-Comstock, B.K. “They say ‘he talk like one haole’”:

Quotative use in Hawai‘i English and Pidgin.

           Linguistic Society of America. Washington DC, January 2016

2016    Clark, B., Rarrick, S., Rentz, B., Stabile, C., Uno, S. “Uncovering Hawai‘i Creole Sign Language:

Evidence from a case study.

           Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research.  Melbourne, January 2016

2015    Presenter. Stabile, C., Liu, N., Chen, V., Deen, K. “Cross linguistic priming of the passive

structure in Mandarin-English bilinguals”.

Generative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition. Bloomington IN, March 2015

2014    Awai, C., H. Britton, M. Dailey, K. Drager, J. Kim, M. J. Kirtley, C. Lee, C.  Stabile. Factors

influencing the pronunciation of Hawaiian place names.

New Ways of Analyzing Variation – Asia Pacific 3. Wellington, May 2014

2013    Presenter. Stabile, C., Deen, K., and Chen, V. “Cross-language priming of the passive    in

Mandarin and English”

           Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition. Oldenburg, September 2013

2013    Presenter. Stabile, C. “A Preliminary Investigation of Cross-Language Priming”

The 17th Annual Language, Linguistics, and Literature Graduate Student Conference.  Honolulu, April 2013

Membership and Service

2013-Present   Language Acquisition Reading Group, Member

2015                  Language Acquisition Reading Group, Coordinator

2015-Present   The IN-Group (Sociolinguistics), Member

2014                  Organizing Committee, 21st Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association, Treasurer

2014                  Linguistics Department Mentoring Program, Mentor

2015-2016        Linguistic Society of Hawai`i, Vice President

2015-2016        Linguistic Society of Hawai`i, Student Representative to the Faculty

2014                  Linguistic Society of Hawai`i, Student Representative to the Faculty

2013                  Linguistic Society of Hawai`i, Treasurer

2012                  Linguistic Society of Hawai`i, Member

2011                  UCLA Undergraduate Linguistics Society, President



2016    Bilinski Educational Foundation Summer Research Award $4965

2015    National Science Foundation – East Asia Pacific Summer Institutes  $5,000

2015     Ministry of Science and Technology (Taiwan) Summer Institute in Taiwan $1,300

2014    Bilinski Educational Foundation Summer Research Award  $4,500

2013    Linguistics Department Travel Award $1750

Research Tool Proficiency

R and R Studio







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